Version Release Date: December 05, 2024
Status: Final

Release Notes Last Updated: February 05, 2025


New Features

1. Cisco MFA – Readiness

PqW 3.6 is mandatory to ensure a smooth transition for you supporting the activation of Cisco MFA. The below table summarizes the areas that changes to the existing flow is taking place:


StrataVAR Functional Area

Impacted by activating MFA

Changes in user workflow

Import Estimate



Import regular Deal Reg



Import CCWR Quote

Yes – Due to CCWR API issue; API import is not working

A new access point that may resolve the issue is being investigated.

Users will be required to download the CCWR XLS quote from CCWR and import manually into PqW (until the Cisco API issue is resolved).


To export a CCWR Quote and CCWR quote with Invoice details: from the CCWR quote page select Export and 'Standard Report' -> All Lines.


To export CCWR Invoice -on the CCWR quote page navigate to Review and Submit, click on 'View Sample Invoice', and then select to export 'Sample Invoice with Quote Details'.

Import MSDR Deal Reg

Yes – Cisco API is lacking removed items  

Users will be required to download the MSDR quote in XLS format import manually into PqW (until the Cisco API issue is resolved).


To export the MSDR file, in the MSDR deal registration click on 'Compare with Existing Subscription' and export the MSDR Excel

Importing SO information

Yes – Due to Cisco API limitation; Retrieving automatically multiple SO’s based on Single PO is not supported

In case the user selects to import SO by PO number, only the latest created SO will be automatically imported. The user will be notified to check in Cisco if there are multiple SO’s for this PO. In case there are multiple SO’s the user can import them (by their number) manually, using the existing functionality.


In case there is an ERP integration with automatic triggering for this action email with such notification will be issued to quote owners so the manual process can be used.


2. Export of two linked CCW-R Quotes into a single Excel or file

  1. Users can now export quotes by combining details of 2 linked quotes (Detailed Quote with Invoice/SMS quote or Detailed quote with Aggregated Quote). This will be available only for newly imported quotes. In order to support this functionality for old quotes, users will have to refresh the relative quotes before the deployment. 
  2. The feature activation is based on the existence of a combined XLS template.  If there are no Combined Export templates added the option will not be available for selection.
  3. If you wish to have such capabilities for your organization, please contact your StrataVAR support representative.

3. New calculation Engine

  1. A new calculation engine is replacing all calculations from the front-end (on-browser) to back-end (Salesforce servers), delivering better performance and scalability. 
  2. This is the same engine that powers the calculation for MSDR, and custom-defined calculation, loved by the users.  
  3. PqW Admin can turn off the use of the new calculation engine and remain with the existing one. In future release, front-end calculation will be deprecated.

4. Support for Term changes in MSDR Quotes

  1. Users can now modify the subscription Term in MSDR quotes.

5. Support of Decimal Quantities

  1. Users can now import, update and export quote items with non-integer quantities for certain item types. Out of the box, 3 item types are supported - Professional Services, Managed Services and Managed Service MRC.  
  2. PqW admin can configure if this feature would be activated, and which Item types will support the non-integer quantities.
  3. Enhancement of existing customizations of Import and Export templates is not included. If you wish to modify your existing customizations, please contact your StrataVAR representative.

6. Clone Box Improvement

  1. User will now have option to create groups for only the cloned boxes without moving original box(es) to the new group
  2. Users will have the option to not create groups during cloning.
  3. Admin will be able to configure the default group name pattern in the configuration.
  4. Users can override the default group name when cloning.
  5. If the Admin has not defined a default, it will be mandatory for the user to provide group name format if they choose to move items to new group(s).

7. Enhanced Supplier Assignment Grid

  1. A new Supplier Assignment grid using the new Salesforce technology (LWC) has been added. It provides a modern Salesforce-consistent look-and-feel, and reduces the training required for new users.
  2. Old grid will be deprecated soon as both the grids have similar functionality.
  3. The Admin can configure if to provide access to the new page

8. New Layout for Search Quotes and Search Quote Items

  1. Search Quote Grid and Search Quote item Grid are merged to be available on single screen.
  2. Users will see a new layout which is consistent with Salesforce’s core user experience. The new grid supports large amounts of data, providing users the ability to load all items or incrementally load more items to have smoother experience.
  3. Old grid will be deprecated soon as both the grids have similar functionality.
  4. The Admin can configure if to provide access to the new page

Minor Improvements

  1. Quote Box Spitting is removed for MSDR Quotes as subscription doesn’t have boxes that can be split
  2. MSDR Improvement added support for editing Previous Margin and Previous Markup in Detailed Calculation Mode.
  3. Credit Line Improvement for Split box functionality. Credit quantity will always change with its parent item’s quantity and vice versa. 
  4. Improvement to Master Item creation Batch jobs to re-run configurable number of times if batch fails because of some error.
  5. Ability to move SAAS Items from one box to another.
  6. CCWR Invoice Improvement to populate part number with product number if Part number is blank.

Known Limitations

  1. On the new Supplier Assignment Grid, if “Show all item” option is not selected, and first item in a box is not major item, the population to all the minor items will not be done as it is assumed that a box will have a major item always.

Known Bugs

  1. In MSDR Quote, if there is a credit line item, the monthly calculations may be incorrect and in aggregated mode, the total amount along with the current billing amount may be incorrect. Please verify the calculation before sending the quote to customers. 

In case of any questions or concerns, please reach out to StrataVAR HelpDesk at